
Module Contents#



Constructs a super-basin recycling object. The basic methods this undergoes are as follows:


Constructs a saddle point recycling object.


class eon.recycling.SB_Recycling(states, previous_state, current_state, move_distance, recycle_save, path, sb_scheme, superbasining)[source]#

Constructs a super-basin recycling object. The basic methods this undergoes are as follows:

*First, determine whether this is a continuation of a previous recycling effort. *If it is a continuation, simply read in the metadata, and be ready to make suggestions for saddles from where we left off previously. *If it is a new recycling process, first determine whether or not we just left a superbasin. *Then, if we did just leave a superbasin, obtain the list of states we will be recycling from, (the list of states in the superbasin which was just exited) *Next, make educated guesses about what the corresponding states in the new superbasin should look like. *Then, using the states in the exited superbasin, find the process for each which leads to the corresponding state in the new superbasin. *Use the StateList object to make an actual state object of the corresponding states. *Finally, it is ready to begin making saddle-search suggestions, using the corresponding pairs of states, one from the old superbasin and its corresponding state in the new superbasin. *In either case, this will use “Recycling” to actually generate the suggestions for each state pair.

states - the StateList object previous_state - the state object just moved from current_state - the state object just moved to move_didstance - distance an atom must move to be in the “hole” path - the path to the superbasin recycling directory. sb_scheme - either “mcamc” or “askmc” superbasining - if sb_scheme is “mcamc”, then this is the superbasining object; otherwise it is “None”


Initialize the data for the super-basin recycling object.

get_process_id(current_state_procs, next_state_num)[source]#

Return the process id of the process going from the current state to the next state (number).


This will use the recycling class to make saddle search suggestions.


Write to disk the superbasin state list, and the new possibilities to consider. Also write how far along in this superbasin recycling process we are.


Read the metadata and return the superbasin state list, the “current/previous” states, and how far along in the superbasin recycling process we are.


Generate the list of reactants expected as part of the new superbasin. Then, use the StateList object to create the actual states.

class eon.recycling.Recycling(states, suggested_ref_state, new_state, move_distance, save=False, from_sb=False)[source]#

Constructs a saddle point recycling object.

states - the StateList object suggested_ref_state - state to make suggestions from curr_state - state to make suggestions for move_distance - distance an atom must move to be in the “hole”


Initialize the data for the recycling object. If there is a file containing the data for the current state, use this file. Otherwise, the previous state will be the reference.


Makes a saddle suggestion and returns True. If no more saddle suggestions are possible (end of process table has been reached), returns False.


Open the recycling metadata file located in the current state’s directory. Return the state from which suggestions are being made. Return the process number current up for recycling consideration.


Write the recycling metadata file located in the current state’s directory.


Return the indices of atoms that moved in the process getting to the current state from the reference state.