
Module Contents#






class eon.displace.DisplacementManager(reactant, moved_atoms)[source]#


exception eon.displace.NotImplementedError[source]#

Bases: Exception

exception eon.displace.DisplaceError[source]#

Bases: Exception

class eon.displace.Displace(reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters)[source]#


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.

abstract make_displacement()[source]#

Writes the displacement_passed.con and mode_passed.dat to path.


Returns a displacement to be added to self.reactant.r


Returns the epicenters that lie in the hole defined by Displace.hole_epicenters. If Displace.hole_epicenters is None, all of the epicenters are accepted.

class eon.displace.Undercoordinated(reactant, max_coordination, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select an undercoordinated atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.Leastcoordinated(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select an undercoordinated atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.ListedAtoms(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3, displace_all=False)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select a listed atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.ListedTypes(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3, displace_all=False)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select a listed atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.Random(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select a random atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.NotFCCorHCP(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select an atom without HCP or FCC coordination and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.NotTCPorBCC(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select an atom without TCP or BCC coordination and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.NotTCP(reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace


Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced.


Select an atom without HCP or FCC coordination and displace all atoms in a radius about it.

class eon.displace.Water(reactant, stdev_translation, stdev_rotation, molecule_list=[], random=0)[source]#

Bases: eon.displace.Displace

Displace molecules of water without streatching them.


reactant: structure to be displaced stdev_translation: translational standard deviation (Angstrom) stdev_rotation: rotational standard deviation (radian)molecules: list of indices of the molecules to displace or None to displace all the moleculesrandom: if 0 displace all molecules in molecule_list, if ‘random > 0’ picked up at random in ‘molecule_list’ a number of molecules equal to the number soted in ‘random’ and displace only these


Returns Atom object containing displaced structure and an array containing the displacement.


Returns Atom object containing displaced structure and an array containing the displacement.

static rotate_water(hydrogen1, hydrogen2, oxygen, psi, theta, phi, hydrogen_mass=1.0, oxygen_mass=16.0)[source]#