Source code for eon.akmcstate

""" The state module. """

import os
import math
import configparser
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('state')

import numpy

from eon.config import config
from eon import atoms
from eon import fileio as io
from eon import state

[docs] class AKMCState(state.State): ID, ENERGY, PREFACTOR, PRODUCT, PRODUCT_ENERGY, PRODUCT_PREFACTOR, BARRIER, RATE, REPEATS = list(range(9)) processtable_head_fmt = "%7s %16s %11s %9s %16s %17s %8s %12s %7s\n" processtable_header = processtable_head_fmt % ("proc #", "saddle energy", "prefactor", "product", "product energy", "product prefactor", "barrier", "rate", "repeats") processtable_line = "%7d %16.5f %11.5e %9d %16.5f %17.5e %8.5f %12.5e %7d\n" def __init__(self, statepath, statenumber, statelist, previous_state_num = -1, reactant_path = None): """ Creates a new State, with lazily loaded data. """ if config.akmc_server_side_process_search: self.search_result_header = "%8s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %s\n" % ("searchid", "type", "barrier", "max-dist", "sad-fcs", "mins-fcs", "pref-fcs", "result") else: self.search_result_header = "%8s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %s\n" % ("wuid", "type", "barrier", "max-dist", "sad-fcs", "mins-fcs", "pref-fcs", "result") self.search_result_header += "-" * len(self.search_result_header) + '\n' state.State.__init__(self,statepath, statenumber,statelist, previous_state_num, reactant_path) self.bad_procdata_path = os.path.join(self.path, "badprocdata") self.con_cache = {}
[docs] def find_repeat(self, saddle_file, barrier): self.load_process_table() energy_a = barrier p1 = io.loadcon(saddle_file) for id in list(self.procs.keys()): energy_b = self.procs[id]['barrier'] if abs(energy_a - energy_b) > config.comp_eps_e: continue if id in self.con_cache: p2 = self.con_cache[id] else: p2 = io.loadcon(self.proc_saddle_path(id)) self.con_cache[id] = p2 if atoms.match(p1, p2, config.comp_eps_r, config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, False): return id return None
[docs] def add_process(self, result, superbasin=None): """ Adds a process to this State. """ state.State.add_process(self, result) self.set_good_saddle_count(self.get_good_saddle_count() + 1) resultdata = result["results"] #The information from the result.dat file if 'simulation_time' in resultdata: self.increment_time(resultdata['simulation_time'], resultdata['md_temperature']) # We may not already have the energy for this State. If not, it should be placed in the result data. if self.get_energy() is None: # This energy now defines the reference energy for the state self.set_energy(resultdata["potential_energy_reactant"]) reactant_energy = self.get_energy() # Calculate the forward barrier for this process, and abort if the energy is too high. oldlowest = self.get_lowest_barrier() barrier = resultdata["potential_energy_saddle"] - reactant_energy lowest = self.update_lowest_barrier(barrier) ediff = (barrier - lowest) - (self.statelist.kT * (self.statelist.thermal_window+self.statelist.max_thermal_window)) if ediff > 0.0: self.append_search_result(result, "barrier > max_thermal_window", superbasin) return None # Determine the number of processes in the process table that have a similar energy. id = self.find_repeat(result["saddle.con"], barrier) if id != None: self.append_search_result(result, "repeat-%d" % id, superbasin) self.procs[id]['repeats'] += 1 self.save_process_table() if result['type'] == "random" or result['type'] == "dynamics": self.inc_proc_random_count(id) # Do not increase repeats if we are currently in a # superbasin and the process does not lead out of it; # or if the process barrier is outside the thermal window. if id in self.get_relevant_procids(superbasin): self.inc_repeats() if 'simulation_time' in resultdata: current_time = self.get_time() logger.debug("event %3i found at time %f fs" % (id, current_time)) return None # This appears to be a unique process. # Check if the mode, reactant, saddle, and product are legit try: if 'mode' not in result: io.load_mode(result['mode.dat']) if 'reactant' not in result: io.loadcon(result['reactant.con']) if 'saddle' not in result: io.loadcon(result['saddle.con']) if 'product' not in result: io.loadcon(result['product.con']) except: logger.exception("Mode, reactant, saddle, or product has incorrect format") return None # Reset the repeat count. self.reset_repeats() # Respond to finding a new lowest barrier. self.set_unique_saddle_count(self.get_unique_saddle_count() + 1) if barrier == lowest and barrier < oldlowest - self.statelist.epsilon_e:"Found new lowest barrier %f for state %i (type: %s)", lowest, self.number, result['type'])"Found new barrier %f for state %i (type: %s)", barrier, self.number, result['type']) # Update the search result table. self.append_search_result(result, "good-%d" % self.get_num_procs(), superbasin) # The id of this process is the number of processes. id = self.get_num_procs() if 'simulation_time' in resultdata: current_time = self.get_time() logger.debug("new event %3i found at time %f fs" % (id, current_time)) # Move the relevant files into the procdata directory. open(self.proc_reactant_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['reactant.con'].getvalue()) open(self.proc_mode_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['mode.dat'].getvalue()) open(self.proc_product_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['product.con'].getvalue()) open(self.proc_saddle_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['saddle.con'].getvalue()) open(self.proc_results_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['results.dat'].getvalue()) # Set maximum rate, if defined # forward_rate = resultdata["prefactor_reactant_to_product"] * math.exp(-barrier / self.statelist.kT) # if config.akmc_max_rate > 0 and cur_rate > config.akmc_max_rate: # # print "max rate exceeded: ", cur_rate # forward_rate = config.akmc_max_rate # Set equilibrium rate, if defined forward_rate = resultdata["prefactor_reactant_to_product"] * math.exp(-barrier / self.statelist.kT) reverse_barrier = barrier - (resultdata["potential_energy_product"] - reactant_energy) reverse_rate = resultdata["prefactor_product_to_reactant"] * math.exp(-reverse_barrier / self.statelist.kT) eq_rate_flag = False if config.akmc_eq_rate > 0 and forward_rate > config.akmc_eq_rate and reverse_rate > config.akmc_eq_rate: eq_rate_flag = True #print "eq_rate exceeded, forward:", forward_rate, " reverse: ", reverse_rate if forward_rate < reverse_rate: forward_eq_rate = config.akmc_eq_rate reverse_eq_rate = config.akmc_eq_rate * (reverse_rate / forward_rate) else: forward_eq_rate = config.akmc_eq_rate * (forward_rate / reverse_rate) reverse_eq_rate = config.akmc_eq_rate #print "new eq forward rate:", forward_eq_rate, " reverse: ", reverse_eq_rate # Append this barrier to the process table (in memory and on disk). self.append_process_table(id = id, saddle_energy = resultdata["potential_energy_saddle"], prefactor = resultdata["prefactor_reactant_to_product"], product = -1, product_energy = resultdata["potential_energy_product"], product_prefactor = resultdata["prefactor_product_to_reactant"], barrier = barrier, rate = resultdata["prefactor_reactant_to_product"] * math.exp(-barrier / self.statelist.kT), # rate = forward_rate, repeats = 0) # If equilibrium rate, change the forward rate as well if eq_rate_flag: self.procs[id]['rate'] = forward_eq_rate # reverse_procs[id]['rate'] = reverse_eq_rate # If this is a random search type, add this proc to the random proc dict. if result['type'] == "random" or result['type'] == "dynamics": self.inc_proc_random_count(id) # This was a unique process, so return the id. return id
[docs] def append_search_result(self, result, comment, superbasin): #try: f = open(self.search_result_path, 'a') resultdata = result['results'] if config.akmc_server_side_process_search: first_column = "search_id" else: first_column = "wuid" if superbasin: comment += " [%i]" % f.write("%8d %10s %10.5f %10.5f %10d %10d %10d %s\n" % (result[first_column], result["type"], resultdata["barrier_reactant_to_product"], resultdata["displacement_saddle_distance"], resultdata["force_calls_saddle"], resultdata["force_calls_minimization"], resultdata["force_calls_prefactors"], comment)) f.close()
#except: # logger.warning("Failed to append search result.")
[docs] def get_ratetable(self, superbasin=None): """ Loads the process table if it has not been loaded and generates a rate table according to kT and thermal_window. """ self.load_process_table() lowest = self.get_lowest_barrier() # Maximum barrier according to thermal window. max_barrier = lowest + self.statelist.kT * self.statelist.thermal_window rt = [(id, proc['rate'], proc['prefactor']) for id, proc in list(self.procs.items()) if proc['barrier'] <= max_barrier] if not superbasin: return rt else: # Filter out processes that lead to another state in the superbasin. return [entry for entry in rt if self.procs[entry[0]]["product"] not in superbasin.state_dict]
[docs] def get_process_table(self): """Return dictionary of processes (id->proc) inside thermal window.""" return dict([id, self.procs[id]] for id in self.get_relevant_procids())
[docs] def get_relevant_procids(self, superbasin=None): """Get process IDs inside thermal window.""" return [entry[0] for entry in self.get_ratetable(superbasin)]
[docs] def get_confidence(self, superbasin=None): """Confidence that all relevant processes for this state were found. The confidence is a function of the ratio Nf/Ns, where Nf is the number of unique processes and Ns is the number of searches performed. When Nf or Ns are zero, there is no confidence. Zero is returned in this case. As the ratio Nf/Ns decreases, the confidence increases from 0.0 to a limit of 1.0. This is roughly equivalent to the statement: I am more confident that I have found all relevant processes if I have found 10 processes after 1000 searches than if I have found 900 processes after 1000 searches. Nf is calculated to be the number of processes in the rate table. Ns is calculated to be the number of searches that resulted in a process on the rate table. When using recycling or kdb, it is useful to ignore processes that occur outside the hole, the region in which the last process took place. Focusing on this region means you can do possibly far fewer searches to reach confidence. When using the hole to filter processes, Nf and Ns only take into account processes that intersect the hole. If superbasin is passed, that means the state is in that superbasin. The confidence calculation is adjusted so that only processes that lead out of the superbasin are counted. This may be disabled by the config.sb_superbasin_confidence option. """ # Possibly disable superbasin feature. #if not config.sb_superbasin_confidence: try: if not config.sb_superbasin_confidence: superbasin = None except AttributeError: superbasin = None # Checking to see if all recycling jobs are complete if config.recycling_on and config.disp_moved_only: job_table_path = os.path.join(config.path_root, "jobs.tbl") job_table = io.Table(job_table_path) if any([ t == 'recycling' for t in job_table.get_column('type') ]): return 0.0 # Load the rate table. If we are in a superbasin, we filter # out all processes leading to another state in the same # superbasin. rt = self.get_ratetable(superbasin) # Load the repeat counts and filter if we are in a superbasin. prc = self.get_proc_random_count() if superbasin: prc = dict([proc, count] for proc, count in list(prc.items()) if self.procs[proc]["product"] not in superbasin.state_dict) alpha = 1.0 if config.akmc_confidence_correction: mn = 1e300 mx = 0 for r in rt: if r[0] in prc: mn = min(mn, prc[r[0]]) mx = max(mx, prc[r[0]]) if mx < 1: alpha = 1.0 else: alpha = float(mn)/mx if config.akmc_confidence_scheme == 'new': Nf = 0.0 Ns = 0.0 for r in rt: if r[0] in prc: Nf += 1.0 Ns += prc[r[0]] if Ns < 1: return 0.0 if Nf < 1: Nf = 1.0 return 1.0 + (Nf/(alpha*Ns)) * lambertw(-math.exp(-1.0 / (Nf/(alpha*Ns)))/(Nf/(alpha*Ns))) elif config.akmc_confidence_scheme == 'sampling': all_repeats = prc repeats = {} for event in rt: id = event[0] repeats[id] = all_repeats[id] # number of events m = len(repeats) # number of searches n = sum(repeats.values()) if n < 10: return 0.0 # probabilities ps = numpy.array(list(repeats.values()),dtype=numpy.float) ps /= sum(ps) C = numpy.zeros(m) for i in range(n): C += (1.0-C)*ps return sum(C)/float(m) elif config.akmc_confidence_scheme == 'dynamics': #print("into dynamics confidence") # filter out recycled saddles if displace_moved_only is true dyn_saddles = set() if config.disp_moved_only: f = open(self.search_result_path) f.readline() f.readline() for line in f: status = line.split()[7] if not (status.startswith('good') or status.startswith('repeat')): continue search_type = line.split()[1] if search_type != 'dynamics': continue pid = int(status.split('-')[1]) dyn_saddles.add(pid) f.close() rt = [entry for entry in rt if entry[0] in dyn_saddles] conf = 0.0 total_rate_estimator = 0.0 total_rate_found = 0.0 T1 = config.main_temperature for T2, T2_time in list(self.get_time_by_temp().items()): #print("out of get_time_by_temp") if T2_time == 0.0: continue # rates are at T1 rates = numpy.array([ p[1] for p in rt ]) prefactors = numpy.array([ p[2] for p in rt ]) if len(rates) == 0: return 0.0 # extrapolate to T2 rates_md = prefactors*(rates/prefactors)**(T1/T2) time = T2_time*1e-15 C = 1.0-numpy.exp(-time*rates_md) total_rate_found = sum(rates) # Chill confidence #conf += sum(C*rates)/total_rate_found # Lelievre-Jourdain confidence total_rate_estimator += sum(rates/C) if(total_rate_estimator > 0): conf = total_rate_found / total_rate_estimator return conf else: # No superbasin-specific code needed here, the number of # repeats is adjusted for that in the add_process() # method! Nr = self.get_repeats() if Nr < 1: return 0.0 else: return max(0.0, 1.0 - 1.0/(alpha*Nr))
[docs] def get_proc_random_count(self): return eval("MetaData", "proc repeat count", "{}"))
[docs] def inc_proc_random_count(self, procid): prc = self.get_proc_random_count() if procid not in prc: prc[procid] = 1 else: prc[procid] += 1"MetaData", "proc repeat count", repr(prc))
[docs] def reset_repeats(self):"MetaData", "repeats", 0)
[docs] def get_repeats(self): return"MetaData", "repeats", 0)
[docs] def inc_repeats(self):"MetaData", "repeats", self.get_repeats() + 1)
[docs] def load_process_table(self): """ Load the process table. If the process table is not loaded, load it. If it is loaded, do nothing. """ if self.procs != None: return f = open(self.proctable_path) lines = f.readlines() f.close() self.procs = {} for l in lines[1:]: l = l.strip().split() self.procs[int(l[self.ID])] = {"saddle_energy": float(l[self.ENERGY]), "prefactor": float(l[self.PREFACTOR]), "product": int (l[self.PRODUCT]), "product_energy": float(l[self.PRODUCT_ENERGY]), "product_prefactor": float(l[self.PRODUCT_PREFACTOR]), "barrier": float(l[self.BARRIER]), "rate": float(l[self.RATE]), "repeats": int (l[self.REPEATS])} try: kT ='MetaData', 'kT') except NameError:'MetaData', 'kT', self.statelist.kT) return if abs(kT - self.statelist.kT) > 1e-8: for id, proc in list(self.procs.items()): proc['rate'] = proc['prefactor'] * math.exp(-proc['barrier'] / self.statelist.kT) self.save_process_table()
[docs] def save_process_table(self): """ If the processtable is present in memory, writes it to disk. """ if self.procs != None: f = open(self.proctable_path, 'w') f.write(self.processtable_header) for id in list(self.procs.keys()): proc = self.procs[id] f.write(self.processtable_line % (id, proc['saddle_energy'], proc['prefactor'], proc['product'], proc['product_energy'], proc['product_prefactor'], proc['barrier'], proc['rate'], proc['repeats'])) f.close()
[docs] def append_process_table(self, id, saddle_energy, prefactor, product, product_energy, product_prefactor, barrier, rate, repeats): """ Append to the process table. Append a single line to the process table file. If we have loaded the process table, also append it to the process table in memory. """ f = open(self.proctable_path, 'a') f.write(self.processtable_line % (id, saddle_energy, prefactor, product, product_energy, product_prefactor, barrier, rate, repeats)) f.close() if self.procs != None: self.procs[id] = {"saddle_energy": saddle_energy, "prefactor": prefactor, "product": product, "product_energy": product_energy, "product_prefactor":product_prefactor, "barrier": barrier, "rate": rate, "repeats": repeats}
[docs] def update_lowest_barrier(self, barrier): """ Compares the parameter barrier to the lowest barrier stored in info. Updates the lowest barrier stored in info if the barrier parameter is lower and returns the (possibly new) lowest barrier. """ lowest ="MetaData", "lowest barrier", 1e300) if barrier < lowest: lowest = barrier"MetaData", "lowest barrier", lowest) return lowest
[docs] def get_lowest_barrier(self): return"MetaData", "lowest barrier", 1e300)
[docs] def get_unique_saddle_count(self): return"MetaData", "unique_saddles", 0)
[docs] def set_unique_saddle_count(self, num):"MetaData", "unique_saddles", num)
[docs] def get_good_saddle_count(self): return"MetaData", "good_saddles", 0)
[docs] def set_good_saddle_count(self, num):"MetaData", "good_saddles", num)
[docs] def increment_time(self, dt, T_search): """Increment MD search time by dt at temperature T_search.""""MetaData", "time", self.get_time() + dt) temp_str = "%.0f" % T_search # rounded to nearest Kelvin if"SearchTime"): # Increase time spent at current search temperature. new_time_at_current_temp = \"SearchTime", temp_str, 0.0) + dt else: # The info file must come from an older version of EON, # which didn't have this section, yet. In this case we # assume all prior searches were done at the current # temperature and add the SearchTime section. This makes # this codes backwards compatible and the correctness is # not worse than before. new_time_at_current_temp = self.get_time() # time is already updated, so no +dt!"SearchTime", temp_str, new_time_at_current_temp)
[docs] def get_time(self): return"MetaData", "time", 0.0)
[docs] def get_time_by_temp(self): #print("into get_time_by_temp") try: return dict([int(temp), float(time)] for temp, time in"SearchTime")) except configparser.NoSectionError: # The "info" file seems to have been produced by an old # version of EON which didn't have the SearchTime # section. We simply upgrade and try again (no recursion # to avoid endless recursion if the exception is raised # again). self.increment_time(0.0, config.saddle_dynamics_temperature) #try: # print('SearchTime', raw=True)) #except Exception as e: # print("exception: " + str(e)) return dict([int(temp), float(time)] for temp, time in"SearchTime", raw=True))
[docs] def get_number_of_searches(self): # TODO: this is inefficient! f = open(self.search_result_path) try: n = 0 f.readline() f.readline() for line in f: n += 1 finally: f.close() return n
[docs] def get_total_saddle_count(self): return self.get_good_saddle_count() + self.get_bad_saddle_count()
[docs] def get_bad_saddle_count(self): return"MetaData", "bad_saddles", 0)
[docs] def set_bad_saddle_count(self, num):"MetaData", "bad_saddles", num)
[docs] def register_bad_saddle(self, result, store=False, superbasin=None): """ Registers a bad saddle. """ #print ("bad saddle ",result["results"]["termination_reason"]) result_state_code = ["Good", "Init", "Saddle Search No Convex Region", "Saddle Search Terminated High Energy", "Saddle Search Terminated Concave Iterations", "Saddle Search Terminated Total Iterations", "Not Connected", "Bad Prefactor", "Bad Barrier", "Minimum Not Converged", "Failed Prefactor Calculation", "Potential Failed", "Nonnegative Displacement Abort", "Nonlocal Abort", "Negative Barrier", "MD Trajectory Too Short", "No Negative Mode at Saddle", "No Forward Barrier in Minimized Band", "MinMode Zero Mode Abort", "Optimizer Error" ] self.set_bad_saddle_count(self.get_bad_saddle_count() + 1) self.append_search_result(result, result_state_code[result["results"]["termination_reason"]], superbasin) # If a MD saddle search is too short add it to the total clock time. if 'simulation_time' in result['results']: if result['results']['termination_reason'] == 15: #too short self.increment_time(result['results']['simulation_time'], result['results']['md_temperature']) if store: if not os.path.isdir(self.bad_procdata_path): os.mkdir(self.bad_procdata_path) open(os.path.join(self.bad_procdata_path, "reactant_%d.con" % result['wuid']), 'w').writelines(result['reactant.con'].getvalue()) open(os.path.join(self.bad_procdata_path, "product_%d.con" % result['wuid']), 'w').writelines(result['product.con'].getvalue()) open(os.path.join(self.bad_procdata_path, "mode_%d.dat" % result['wuid']), 'w').writelines(result['mode.dat'].getvalue()) open(os.path.join(self.bad_procdata_path, "results_%d.dat" % result['wuid']), 'w').writelines(result['results.dat'].getvalue()) open(os.path.join(self.bad_procdata_path, "saddle_%d.con" % result['wuid']), 'w').writelines(result['saddle.con'].getvalue())
# Utility functions for loading process .con and mode files.
[docs] def get_process_reactant(self, id): return io.loadcon(self.proc_reactant_path(id))
[docs] def get_process_saddle(self, id): return io.loadcon(self.proc_saddle_path(id))
[docs] def get_process_product(self, id): return io.loadcon(self.proc_product_path(id))
[docs] def get_process_mode(self, id): return io.load_mode(self.proc_mode_path(id))
# Utility functions for compiling procdata paths, whether the files exist or not.
[docs] def proc_saddle_path(self, id): return os.path.join(self.procdata_path, "saddle_%d.con" % id)
[docs] def proc_mode_path(self, id): return os.path.join(self.procdata_path, "mode_%d.dat" % id)
# Lambert-W function:
[docs] def lambertw(z): """Lambert W function, principal branch""" eps = 1.0e-12 em1 = 0.3678794411714423215955237701614608 if z < -em1: logger.error("Tried to evaluate Lambert W function @ < -1/e") raise ValueError() if 0.0 == z: return 0.0 if z < -em1 + 1e-4: q = z + em1 r = math.sqrt(q) q2 = q * q q3 = q2 * q return\ -1.0\ +2.331643981597124203363536062168 * r\ -1.812187885639363490240191647568 * q\ +1.936631114492359755363277457668 * r * q\ -2.353551201881614516821543561516 * q2\ +3.066858901050631912893148922704 * r * q2\ -4.175335600258177138854984177460 * q3\ +5.858023729874774148815053846119 * r * q3\ -8.401032217523977370984161688514 * q3 * q if z < 1.0: p = math.sqrt(2.0 * (2.7182818284590452353602874713526625 * z + 1.0)) w = -1.0 + p * (1.0 + p * (-0.333333333333333333333 + p * 0.152777777777777777777777)) else: w = math.log(z) if z > 3.0: w-=math.log(w) for i in range(10): e = math.exp(w) t = w * e - z p = w + 1.0 t /= e * p - 0.5 * (p + 1.0) * t / p w -= t if abs(t) < eps * (1.0 + abs(w)): return w logger.error("Failed to converge Lambert W function") raise ValueError()