Source code for eon.displace

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('displace')

import os, re
from math import cos, sin
import numpy

from eon import atoms
from eon import fileio as io
from eon.config import config

[docs] class DisplacementManager: def __init__(self, reactant, moved_atoms): self.reactant = reactant # TODO: Remove all the pointless config.* crap if config.displace_random_weight > 0: self.random = Random(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms) if config.displace_under_coordinated_weight > 0: self.under = Undercoordinated(self.reactant, config.disp_max_coord, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale) if config.displace_least_coordinated_weight > 0: self.least = Leastcoordinated(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale) if config.displace_listed_atom_weight > 0: self.listed_atoms = ListedAtoms(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale, displace_all=config.displace_all_listed) if config.displace_listed_type_weight > 0: self.listed_types = ListedTypes(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale) if config.displace_not_FCC_HCP_weight > 0: self.not_FCC_HCP = NotFCCorHCP(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale) if config.displace_not_TCP_BCC_weight > 0: self.not_TCP_BCC = NotTCPorBCC(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale) if config.displace_not_TCP_weight > 0: self.not_TCP = NotTCP(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms, cutoff=config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, use_covalent=config.comp_use_covalent, covalent_scale=config.comp_covalent_scale) if config.displace_water_weight > 0: self.water = Water(self.reactant, config.stdev_translation, config.stdev_rotation, config.molecule_list, config.disp_at_random) total = 0.0 total += config.displace_random_weight total += config.displace_listed_atom_weight total += config.displace_listed_type_weight total += config.displace_under_coordinated_weight total += config.displace_least_coordinated_weight total += config.displace_not_FCC_HCP_weight total += config.displace_not_TCP_BCC_weight total += config.displace_not_TCP_weight total += config.displace_water_weight # If no fractions are defined, do 100% random displacements. if total == 0.0: total = 1.0 self.plist = [1.0/total] self.random = Random(self.reactant, config.disp_magnitude, config.disp_radius, hole_epicenters=moved_atoms) else: self.plist = [config.displace_random_weight/total] self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_listed_atom_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_listed_type_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_under_coordinated_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_least_coordinated_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_not_FCC_HCP_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_not_TCP_BCC_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_not_TCP_weight/total) self.plist.append(self.plist[-1] + config.displace_water_weight/total)
[docs] def make_displacement(self): disp_types = ["random", "listed_atoms", "listed_types", "under", "least", "not_FCC_HCP", "not_TCP_BCC", "not_TCP", "water"] r = numpy.random.random_sample() i = 0 while self.plist[i] < r: i += 1 disp_type = disp_types[i] if disp_type == "random": logger.debug("Made random displacement") return self.random.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "listed_atoms": logger.debug("Made listed atoms displacement") return self.listed_atoms.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "listed_types": logger.debug("Made listed atom types displacement") return self.listed_types.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "under": logger.debug("Made under-coordinated displacement") return self.under.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "least": logger.debug("Made least-coordinated displacement") return self.least.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "not_FCC_HCP": logger.debug("Made not-FCC-or-HCP displacement") return self.not_FCC_HCP.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "not_TCP_BCC": logger.debug("Made not-TCP-or-BCC displacement") return self.not_TCP_BCC.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "not_TCP": logger.debug("Made not-TCP displacement") return self.not_TCP.make_displacement() elif disp_type == "water": logger.debug("Made water displacement") return self.water.make_displacement() raise DisplaceError()
[docs] class NotImplementedError(Exception): pass
[docs] class DisplaceError(Exception): pass
[docs] class Displace: def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters): '''Reactant is an Atoms object. std_dev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution used to create the random displacements. radius is the distance to neighbors that will also be displaced. ''' self.reactant = reactant self.std_dev = std_dev self.radius = radius self.hole_epicenters = hole_epicenters ## mike w. self.void_bias_fraction = config.void_bias_fraction # temporary numpy array of same size as self.reactant.r self.temp_array = numpy.zeros(self.reactant.r.shape) self.neighbors_list = None
[docs] def make_displacement(self): '''Writes the displacement_passed.con and mode_passed.dat to path.''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_displacement(self, atom_index): '''Returns a displacement to be added to self.reactant.r''' if self.neighbors_list is None: self.neighbors_list = atoms.neighbor_list(self.reactant, self.radius, config.comp_brute_neighbors) displacement_norm = 0.0 displacement = numpy.zeros(self.reactant.r.shape) if hasattr(atom_index, '__getitem__'): logger.debug("Displacement epicenters: ", atom_index) neighbors = [ self.neighbors_list[i] for i in range(len(self.neighbors_list)) if i in atom_index ] #flatten neighbors = sum(neighbors,[]) neighbors = numpy.array(list(set(neighbors)), dtype=int) displaced_atoms = numpy.append(atom_index, neighbors) else: logger.debug("Displacement epicenter: %d" % atom_index) displaced_atoms = [atom_index] + self.neighbors_list[atom_index] # ensures that the total displacement vector exceeds a given length, but the current default is zero while (displacement_norm <= config.disp_min_norm): displacement = numpy.zeros(self.reactant.r.shape) for i in range(len(displaced_atoms)): # don't displace frozen atoms if not[displaced_atoms[i]]: continue # Displace one of the free atoms by a gaussian distributed # random number with a standard deviation of self.std_dev. displacement[displaced_atoms[i]] = numpy.random.normal(scale = self.std_dev, size=3) if config.displace_1d: displacement[displaced_atoms[i]] = displacement[displaced_atoms[i]] * [1,0,0] displacement_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(displacement) ### Mike W. ## this is a fraction of the total displacement magnitude so a small that ## a hard coded value will not break things later. It's essentially ## negligible at this size. if self.void_bias_fraction > 1e-6: self.neighbor_list_vectors = atoms.neighbor_list_vectors(self.reactant, self.radius, config.comp_brute_neighbors) # print config.random_mode # print sorted(displaced_atoms) # print numpy.linalg.norm(displacement) # for atom_index in displaced_atoms: # print (atom_index) # print (self.neighbors_list[atom_index]) # dist_list = [] # for vec in self.neighbor_list_vectors[atom_index]: # dist_list.append(numpy.linalg.norm(vec)) # print (dist_list) ## treats the nearest neighbors as repulsive, since I keep finding ## interstitials pseudoelectrostatic_force = numpy.zeros(self.reactant.r.shape) for atom_index in displaced_atoms: for vec in self.neighbor_list_vectors[atom_index]: mag = numpy.linalg.norm(vec) + 1e-6 # I just want to prevent NaNs in perfectly symmetric situations pseudoelectrostatic_force[atom_index] += -vec/(mag**3) # now we norm it for mixing void_vec = pseudoelectrostatic_force/\ numpy.linalg.norm(pseudoelectrostatic_force) displacement = \ self.void_bias_fraction*displacement_norm*void_vec + \ (1 - self.void_bias_fraction)*displacement displacement_atoms = self.reactant.copy() displacement_atoms.r += displacement if config.random_mode: displacement *= 0.0 for i in range(len(displaced_atoms)): if not[displaced_atoms[i]]: continue displacement[displaced_atoms[i]] = numpy.random.normal(scale = self.std_dev, size=3) if config.displace_1d: displacement[displaced_atoms[i]] = displacement[displaced_atoms[i]] * [1,0,0] displacement /= numpy.linalg.norm(displacement) return displacement_atoms, displacement/numpy.linalg.norm(displacement)
[docs] def filter_epicenters(self, epicenters): '''Returns the epicenters that lie in the hole defined by Displace.hole_epicenters. If Displace.hole_epicenters is None, all of the epicenters are accepted.''' if self.hole_epicenters is None: return epicenters new_epicenters = [] for e in epicenters: if e in self.hole_epicenters: new_epicenters.append(e) #GH: added to prevent case in which there are no displaceable atoms in the active region if len(new_epicenters) == 0: logger.warning("No displaceable atoms found in the active region around atoms that moved in the previous transition;") logger.warning(" reverting to the full list of any displaceable atoms.") return epicenters return new_epicenters
[docs] class Undercoordinated(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, max_coordination, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) self.max_coordination = max_coordination self.undercoordinated_atoms = [] self.coordination_distance = cutoff self.initialized = False
[docs] def init(self): self.initialized = True # cns is an array of the coordination numbers for each of the atoms. cns = atoms.coordination_numbers(self.reactant, self.coordination_distance) # Only allow displacements for atoms <= the maximum coordination and that are free. self.undercoordinated_atoms = [ i for i in range(len(cns)) if cns[i] <= self.max_coordination and[i] == 1] self.undercoordinated_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.undercoordinated_atoms) if len(self.undercoordinated_atoms) == 0: errmsg = "No free atoms have a coordination of %i or less" errmsg = errmsg % self.max_coordination raise DisplaceError(errmsg)
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select an undercoordinated atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" # TODO: We should make sure that the amount of I/O to disk is what we think it should be: # about 100 kB or so per make_displacement(). if not self.initialized: self.init() epicenter = self.undercoordinated_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.undercoordinated_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class Leastcoordinated(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) self.leastcoordinated_atoms = [] self.coordination_distance = cutoff self.leastcoordinated_atoms = atoms.least_coordinated(self.reactant, self.coordination_distance) self.leastcoordinated_atoms = [ i for i in self.leastcoordinated_atoms if[i] == 1] self.leastcoordinated_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.leastcoordinated_atoms) if len(self.leastcoordinated_atoms) == 0: errmsg = "The least coordinated atoms are all frozen" raise DisplaceError(errmsg)
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select an undercoordinated atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" epicenter = self.leastcoordinated_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.leastcoordinated_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class ListedAtoms(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3, displace_all=False): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) self.displace_all = displace_all # each item in this list is the index of a free atom self.listed_atoms = [ i for i in config.disp_listed_atoms if[i] ] #print "self.listed_atoms:" #print self.listed_atoms self.listed_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.listed_atoms) #print self.listed_atoms if len(self.listed_atoms) == 0: #raise DisplaceError("Listed atoms are all frozen") raise DisplaceError("Listed atoms are all frozen") #print self.listed_atoms
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select a listed atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" # chose a random atom from the supplied list if self.displace_all: epicenter = self.listed_atoms else: epicenter = self.listed_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.listed_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class ListedTypes(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3, displace_all=False): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) # print config.disp_listed_types self.displace_all = displace_all # each item in this list is the index of a free atom self.listed_atoms = [ i for i in range(len( if ([i] == 1) and (self.reactant.names[i] in config.disp_listed_types) ] self.listed_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.listed_atoms) if len(self.listed_atoms) == 0: raise DisplaceError("Listed atom types are all frozen or not found in reactant") # print self.listed_atoms
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select a listed atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" # chose a random atom from the supplied list if self.displace_all: epicenter = self.listed_atoms else: epicenter = self.listed_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.listed_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class Random(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) # each item in this list is the index of a free atom self.free_atoms = [ i for i in range(len( if[i] ] self.free_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.free_atoms) if len(self.free_atoms) == 0: raise DisplaceError("There are no free atoms in the reactant")
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select a random atom and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" # chose a random atom epicenter = self.free_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.free_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class NotFCCorHCP(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms = [] self.coordination_distance = cutoff self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms = atoms.not_HCP_or_FCC(self.reactant, self.coordination_distance) self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms = [ i for i in self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms if[i] == 1] self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms) if len(self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms) == 0: errmsg = "The atoms without FCC or HCP coordination are all frozen" raise DisplaceError(errmsg)
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select an atom without HCP or FCC coordination and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" epicenter = self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.not_HCP_or_FCC_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class NotTCPorBCC(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms = [] self.coordination_distance = cutoff self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms = atoms.not_TCP_or_BCC(self.reactant, self.coordination_distance) self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms = [ i for i in self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms if[i] == 1] self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms) if len(self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms) == 0: errmsg = "The atoms without BCC or TCP coordination are all frozen." raise DisplaceError(errmsg)
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select an atom without TCP or BCC coordination and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" epicenter = self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.not_TCP_or_BCC_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class NotTCP(Displace): def __init__(self, reactant, std_dev=0.05, radius=5.0, hole_epicenters=None, cutoff=3.3, use_covalent=False, covalent_scale=1.3): Displace.__init__(self, reactant, std_dev, radius, hole_epicenters) self.not_TCP_atoms = [] self.coordination_distance = cutoff self.not_TCP_atoms = atoms.not_TCP(self.reactant, self.coordination_distance) self.not_TCP_atoms = [ i for i in self.not_TCP_atoms if[i] == 1] self.not_TCP_atoms = self.filter_epicenters(self.not_TCP_atoms) if len(self.not_TCP_atoms) == 0: errmsg = "The atoms without TCP coordination are all frozen" raise DisplaceError(errmsg)
[docs] def make_displacement(self): """Select an atom without HCP or FCC coordination and displace all atoms in a radius about it.""" epicenter = self.not_TCP_atoms[numpy.random.randint(len(self.not_TCP_atoms))] return self.get_displacement(epicenter)
[docs] class Water(Displace): '''Displace molecules of water without streatching them.''' def __init__(self, reactant, stdev_translation, stdev_rotation, molecule_list=[], random=0): """reactant: structure to be displaced\n"""\ """stdev_translation: translational standard deviation (Angstrom)\n"""\ """stdev_rotation: rotational standard deviation (radian)"""\ """molecules: list of indices of the molecules to displace or None to displace all the molecules"""\ """random: if 0 displace all molecules in molecule_list, if 'random > 0' picked up at random in 'molecule_list' a number of molecules equal to the number soted in 'random' and displace only these""" assert(isinstance(molecule_list, list)) self.reactant = reactant self.stdev_translation = stdev_translation self.stdev_rotation = stdev_rotation for i, name in enumerate(reactant.names): if not'^H', name): break # For water assume that all the hydrogen are listed first, then all the oxygen self.n_water = i/2 if len(molecule_list) == 0: molecule_list=list(range(self.n_water)) self.molecule_list = molecule_list self.random = random
[docs] def make_displacement(self): '''Returns Atom object containing displaced structure and an array containing the displacement.''' return self.get_displacement()
[docs] def get_displacement(self): '''Returns Atom object containing displaced structure and an array containing the displacement.''' free = displaced_atoms = self.reactant.copy() if self.random > 0: n=len(self.molecule_list) molecule_list = list() for i in range(self.random): i = int(numpy.random.uniform(0, n)) molecule_list.append(self.molecule_list[i]) else: molecule_list = self.molecule_list for i in molecule_list: #print 'displacing', i h1 = i*2 h2 = i*2+1 o = i+self.n_water*2 #don't displace if any of the three atoms is fixed #if not (free[h1] and free[h2] and free[o]): # continue #Displace one of the free atoms by a gaussian distributed #random number with a standard deviation of self.std_dev. disp = numpy.random.normal(scale = self.stdev_translation, size=3) displaced_atoms.r[h1] += disp displaced_atoms.r[h2] += disp displaced_atoms.r[o] += disp rh1 = displaced_atoms.r[h1] rh2 = displaced_atoms.r[h2] ro = displaced_atoms.r[o] disp = numpy.random.normal(scale = self.stdev_rotation, size = 3) rh1, rh2, ro = self.rotate_water(rh1, rh2, ro, disp[0], disp[1], disp[2]) displaced_atoms.r[h1] = rh1 displaced_atoms.r[h2] = rh2 displaced_atoms.r[o] = ro displacement = displaced_atoms.r - self.reactant.r return displaced_atoms, displacement
## Rotate a molecule of water. # Rotate around the centre of gravity of the molecule. # @param[in] "hydrogen1, hydrogen2, oxygen" numpy.array: coordinates of atoms. # @param[in] "psi, theta, phi" float: Angle in @em radians of rotation around <em> x, y, z </em> axes. # @param[in] "hydrogenMass, oxygenMass" float: masses of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. # @return "hydrogen1, hydrogen2, oxygen" coordinates of atoms after rotation # The rotations uses the @em x, y, z convention (pitch-roll-yaw). The fisrt rotation to take place is around z, then y, then x. # Equations and notations are from: .
[docs] @staticmethod def rotate_water(hydrogen1, hydrogen2, oxygen, psi, theta, phi, hydrogen_mass = 1.0, oxygen_mass = 16.0): G = (hydrogen_mass*(hydrogen1 + hydrogen2) + oxygen_mass*oxygen)/(hydrogen_mass*2.0 + oxygen_mass) rot = numpy.array([ [cos(theta)*cos(phi), cos(theta)*sin(phi), -sin(theta)], [sin(psi)*sin(theta)*cos(phi)-cos(psi)*sin(phi), sin(psi)*sin(theta)*sin(phi)+cos(psi)*cos(phi), cos(theta)*sin(psi)], [cos(psi)*sin(theta)*cos(phi)+sin(psi)*sin(phi), cos(psi)*sin(theta)*sin(phi)-sin(psi)*cos(phi), cos(theta)*cos(psi)] ]) rh1 = numpy.tensordot(rot, (hydrogen1-G), 1) + G rh2 = numpy.tensordot(rot, (hydrogen2-G), 1) + G ro = numpy.tensordot(rot, (oxygen-G), 1) + G return rh1, rh2, ro
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import time if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("%s: reactant.con outpath" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) reactant = io.loadcon(sys.argv[1]) d = Random(reactant, 0.05, 5.0) #d = Undercoordinated(reactant, 11, 0.05, 5.0) t0 = time.time() ntimes = 1000 for i in range(ntimes): d.make_displacement(sys.argv[2]) dt = time.time()-t0 print("%.2f displacements per second" % (float(ntimes)/dt))