Source code for eon.explorer

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('explorer')
from time import time
import shutil
import io
import os
import sys
import pickle as pickle
from copy import copy
import numpy

from eon.config import config
from eon import atoms
from eon import communicator
from eon import displace
from eon import fileio as io
#import kdb
from eon import recycling
from eon import eon_kdb as kdb

[docs] def get_minmodexplorer(): if config.akmc_server_side_process_search: return ServerMinModeExplorer else: return ClientMinModeExplorer
[docs] class Explorer: def __init__(self, superbasin=None): self.wuid_path = os.path.join(config.path_scratch, "wuid") self.superbasin = superbasin self.load_wuid()
[docs] def load_wuid(self): try: f = open(self.wuid_path) self.wuid = int( f.close() except IOError: if not self.superbasin: self.wuid = 0 else: # In a superbasin search, WUIDs would be repeated. So # we assume there will never be more than 1e6 searches # per state, so we start at superbasin number times # one million. self.wuid = * 1000000
[docs] def save_wuid(self): f = open(self.wuid_path, 'w') f.write("%i\n" % self.wuid) f.close()
[docs] class MinModeExplorer(Explorer): def __init__(self, states, previous_state, state, superbasin=None): """Init MinModeExplorer. If superbasin is passed, all states in the superbasin will be searched until all of them have the required confidence. It will also lead to a different confidence definition being used, which takes only processes exiting the SB into account. """ Explorer.__init__(self, superbasin) self.states = states self.state = state self.previous_state = previous_state self.comm = communicator.get_communicator() if config.recycling_on: self.nrecycled = 0 self.recycler = recycling.Recycling(self.states, self.previous_state, self.state, config.recycling_move_distance, config.recycling_save_sugg) # If we plan to only displace atoms that moved getting to the current state. if config.disp_moved_only and self.state.number != 0: moved_atoms = self.recycler.process_atoms else: moved_atoms = None if config.kdb_on: if not os.path.isdir(config.kdb_scratch_path): os.makedirs(config.kdb_scratch_path) try: queried = [int(q) for q in open(os.path.join(config.kdb_scratch_path, "queried"), 'r').readlines()] except: queried = [] if self.state.number not in queried: queried.append(self.state.number) f = open(os.path.join(config.kdb_scratch_path, "queried"), 'w') for q in queried: f.write("%d\n" % q) f.close() kdb.query(self.state) self.reactant = self.state.get_reactant() self.displace = displace.DisplacementManager(self.reactant, moved_atoms)
[docs] def explore(self): self.register_results() if self.state.get_confidence(self.superbasin) < config.akmc_confidence: self.make_jobs() else: num_cancelled = self.comm.cancel_state(self.state.number)"Cancelled %i workunits from state %i", num_cancelled, self.state.number) #XXX: Do we ever call explore on a completed state twice? if config.kdb_on:"Adding relevant processes to kinetic database") for process_id in self.state.get_process_ids(): output = kdb.insert(self.state, process_id) logger.debug("kdb insert: %s", output)
[docs] def generate_displacement(self): if config.recycling_on and self.state.number != 0: displacement, mode = self.recycler.make_suggestion() if displacement: self.nrecycled += 1 return displacement, mode, 'recycling' if config.kdb_on: displacement, mode = kdb.make_suggestion() if displacement: displacement.mass = self.reactant.mass'Made a KDB suggestion') return displacement, mode, 'kdb' if config.saddle_method == 'dynamics': return None, None, 'dynamics' displacement, mode = self.displace.make_displacement() return displacement, mode, 'random'
[docs] class ClientMinModeExplorer(MinModeExplorer): def __init__(self, states, previous_state, state, superbasin=None): MinModeExplorer.__init__(self, states, previous_state, state, superbasin) job_table_path = os.path.join(config.path_root, "jobs.tbl") job_table_columns = [ 'state', 'wuid', 'type'] self.job_table = io.Table(job_table_path, job_table_columns) if self.superbasin: self.job_table.delete_row_func('state', lambda s: s not in self.superbasin.state_dict) else: self.job_table.delete_row_func('state', lambda s: s != state.number)
[docs] def make_jobs(self): #XXX:what if the user changes the bundle size? num_in_buffer = self.comm.get_queue_size()*config.comm_job_bundle_size"Queue contains %i searches" % num_in_buffer) num_to_make = max(config.comm_job_buffer_size - num_in_buffer, 0)"Making %i process searches" % num_to_make) if num_to_make == 0: return searches = [] invariants = {} reactIO = io.StringIO() io.savecon(reactIO, self.reactant) file_permission = os.stat("pos.con").st_mode invariants['pos.con'] = (reactIO, file_permission) t1 = time() if config.saddle_method == 'dynamics' and \ config.recycling_on and \ config.disp_moved_only and \ self.state.number != 0: moved_atoms = self.recycler.process_atoms mass_weights = self.reactant.mass.copy() mass_weights *= config.recycling_mass_weight_factor for i in range(len(self.reactant)): if i in moved_atoms: mass_weights[i] = self.reactant.mass[i] weightsIO = io.StringIO() numpy.savetxt(weightsIO, mass_weights) # file_permission = os.stat("masses.dat").st_mode invariants['masses.dat'] = (weightsIO, file_permission) # Merge potential files into invariants invariants = dict(invariants, **io.load_potfiles(config.path_pot)) for i in range(num_to_make): search = {} # The search dictionary contains the following key-value pairs: # id - CurrentState_WUID # displacement - an atoms object containing the point the saddle search will start at # mode - an Nx3 numpy array containing the initial mode search['id'] = "%d_%d" % (self.state.number, self.wuid) displacement, mode, disp_type = self.generate_displacement() self.job_table.add_row( {'state':self.state.number, 'wuid':self.wuid, 'type':disp_type } ) ini_changes = [ ('Main', 'job', 'process_search'), ('Main', 'random_seed', str(int(numpy.random.random()*10**9))), ] # if we are recycling a saddle, but using "dynamics saddle search" we need # to switch to min_mode searches if config.saddle_method == 'dynamics' and disp_type != 'dynamics': ini_changes.append( ('Saddle Search', 'method', 'min_mode') ) search['config.ini'] = io.modify_config(config.config_path, ini_changes) if displacement: dispIO = io.StringIO() io.savecon(dispIO, displacement) search['displacement.con'] = dispIO modeIO = io.StringIO() io.save_mode(modeIO, mode) search['direction.dat'] = modeIO searches.append(search) self.wuid += 1 # eager write self.save_wuid() if config.recycling_on and self.nrecycled > 0:"Recycled %i saddles" % self.nrecycled) try: self.comm.submit_jobs(searches, invariants) t2 = time() "Created " + str(len(searches)) + " searches") #logger.debug( "Created " + str(num_to_make/(t2-t1)) + " searches per second") logger.debug( "Created %.2f searches per second", num_to_make/(t2-t1)) except: logger.exception("Failed to submit searches") self.job_table.write()
[docs] def register_results(self):"Registering results") t1 = time() if os.path.isdir(config.path_jobs_in): try: shutil.rmtree(config.path_jobs_in) except (OSError, IOError): pass if not os.path.isdir(config.path_jobs_in): os.makedirs(config.path_jobs_in) # Function used by communicator to determine whether to discard a result def keep_result(name): # note that all processes are assigned to the current state state_num = int(name.split("_")[0]) if self.superbasin: return (state_num in self.superbasin.state_dict and self.superbasin.get_confidence() < config.akmc_confidence) else: return (state_num == self.state.number and self.state.get_confidence() < config.akmc_confidence) num_registered = 0 for result in self.comm.get_results(config.path_jobs_in, keep_result): # The result dictionary contains the following key-value pairs: # reactant - an array of strings containing the reactant # saddle - an atoms object containing the saddle # product - an array of strings containing the product # mode - an array of strings conatining the mode # results - a dictionary containing the key-value pairs in results.dat # id - StateNumber_WUID # # The reactant, product, and mode are passed as lines of the files because # the information contained in them is not needed for registering results if config.debug_keep_all_results: #XXX: We should only do these checks once to speed things up, # but at the same time debug options don't have to be fast # save_path = os.path.join(config.path_root, "old_searches") # if not os.path.isdir(save_path): # os.mkdir(save_path) # shutil.copytree(result_path, os.path.join(save_path, i)) # XXX: This is currently broken by the new result passing # scheme. Should it be done in communicator? pass if len(result) == 0: continue state_num = int(result['name'].split("_")[0]) id = int(result['name'].split("_")[1]) + result['number'] searchdata_id = "%d_%d" % (state_num, id) # Store information about the search into result_data for the # search_results.txt file in the state directory. try: job_type = self.job_table.get_row('wuid', id)['type'] except TypeError: logger.warning("Could not find job type for search %s" % searchdata_id) continue result['type'] = job_type if job_type is None: logger.warning("Could not find search data for search %s" % searchdata_id) else: self.job_table.delete_row('wuid', id) result['wuid'] = id # If we are doing a search for a superbasin the results # could be for a different state. if self.superbasin: try: state = self.superbasin.state_dict[state_num] except KeyError: logger.warning("State of job %s is not part of " "the superbasin" % result['name']) continue else: state = self.state # read in the results result['results'] = io.parse_results(result['results.dat']) if result['results']['termination_reason'] == 0: state.add_process(result, self.superbasin) else: state.register_bad_saddle(result, config.debug_keep_bad_saddles, superbasin=self.superbasin) num_registered += 1 if ((self.superbasin and self.superbasin.get_confidence() >= config.akmc_confidence) or (not self.superbasin and self.state.get_confidence() >= config.akmc_confidence)): if not config.debug_register_extra_results: break # Approximate number of searches received tot_searches = len(os.listdir(config.path_jobs_in)) * config.comm_job_bundle_size t2 = time()"Processed %i results", num_registered) if tot_searches != num_registered:"Discarded approximately %i results" % (tot_searches - num_registered)) logger.debug("Registered %.1f results per second", (num_registered/(t2-t1))) self.job_table.write() return num_registered
[docs] class ServerMinModeExplorer(MinModeExplorer): def __init__(self, states, previous_state, state, superbasin=None): #XXX: need to init somehow self.search_id = 0 self.wuid_to_search_id = {} self.process_searches = {} self.job_info = {} if os.path.isfile("explorer.pickle"): f = open("explorer.pickle", "rb") tmp_dict = pickle.load(f) f.close() self.__dict__.update(tmp_dict) MinModeExplorer.__init__(self, states, previous_state, state, superbasin)
[docs] def save(self): f = open("explorer.pickle", "w") d = self.__dict__.copy() del d['states'] del d['previous_state'] del d['state'] del d['comm'] pickle.dump(d, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() f = open("searches.log", 'w') f.write("%9s %13s %11s %10s\n" % ("search_id", "job_type", "status", "job_name")) for search_id in self.job_info: fmt = "%9i %13s %11s %10s\n" lines = {'saddle_search':None, 'min1':None, 'min2':None} for name, job in list(self.job_info[search_id].items()): lines[job['type']] = fmt % (search_id, job['type'], job['status'], name) if lines['saddle_search']: f.write(lines['saddle_search']) if lines['min1']: f.write(lines['min1']) else: f.write(fmt % (search_id, 'min1', 'not_running', '')) if lines['min2']: f.write(lines['min2']) else: f.write(fmt % (search_id, 'min2', 'not_running', '')) f.close()
[docs] def explore(self): if not os.path.isdir(config.path_jobs_in): #XXX: does this condition ever happen? os.makedirs(config.path_jobs_in) if self.state.get_confidence(self.superbasin) >= config.akmc_confidence: self.process_searches = {} MinModeExplorer.explore(self)
[docs] def register_results(self):"Registering results") t1 = time() if os.path.isdir(config.path_jobs_in): try: shutil.rmtree(config.path_jobs_in) except OSError as msg: logger.error("Error cleaning up %s: %s", config.path_jobs_in, msg) else: os.makedirs(config.path_jobs_in) if not os.path.isdir(config.path_incomplete): os.makedirs(config.path_incomplete) # Function used by communicator to determine whether to keep a result def keep_result(name): # note that all processes are assigned to the current state state_num = int(name.split("_")[0]) return (state_num == self.state.number and \ self.state.get_confidence(self.superbasin) < config.akmc_confidence) num_registered = 0 for result in self.comm.get_results(config.path_jobs_in, keep_result): state_num = int(result['name'].split("_")[0]) # XXX: doesn't this doesn't give the correct id wrt bundling id = int(result['name'].split("_")[1]) + result['number'] searchdata_id = "%d_%d" % (state_num, id) search_id = self.wuid_to_search_id[id] if search_id not in self.process_searches: continue self.job_info[search_id][searchdata_id]['status'] = 'complete'"got result for search_id %i" % search_id) final_result = self.process_searches[search_id].process_result(result) if final_result: results_dict = io.parse_results(final_result['results.dat']) reason = results_dict['termination_reason'] if reason == 0: self.state.add_process(final_result) else: final_result['wuid'] = id self.state.register_bad_saddle(final_result, config.debug_keep_bad_saddles) else: ps = self.process_searches[search_id] saddle = ps.get_saddle() if saddle: barrier =['barrier_reactant_to_product'] if self.state.find_repeat(ps.get_saddle_file(), barrier): self.state.add_process(ps.build_result()) del self.process_searches[search_id] num_registered += 1 if self.state.get_confidence(self.superbasin) >= config.akmc_confidence: if not config.debug_register_extra_results: break # Approximate number of searches received tot_searches = len(os.listdir(config.path_jobs_in)) * config.comm_job_bundle_size t2 = time()"Processed %i results", num_registered) if tot_searches != num_registered:"Discarded approximately %i results" % (tot_searches - num_registered)) logger.debug("Registered %.1f results per second", (num_registered/(t2-t1))) return num_registered
[docs] def make_jobs(self): num_unsent = self.comm.get_queue_size()*config.comm_job_bundle_size"Queued %i jobs" % num_unsent) num_in_progress = self.comm.get_number_in_progress()*config.comm_job_bundle_size"Running %i jobs" % num_in_progress) num_total = num_unsent + num_in_progress num_to_make = max(config.comm_job_buffer_size - num_unsent, 0) if config.comm_job_max_size != 0: if num_total + num_to_make>= config.comm_job_max_size: num_to_make = max(0, config.comm_job_max_size - num_total)"Reached max_jobs")"Making %i jobs" % num_to_make) if num_to_make == 0: return jobs = [] invariants = {} # Merge potential files into invariants invariants = dict(invariants, **io.load_potfiles(config.path_pot)) t1 = time() # start new searches for i in range(num_to_make): job = None for ps in list(self.process_searches.values()): job, job_type = ps.get_job(self.state.number) if job: self.wuid_to_search_id[self.wuid] = ps.search_id sid = ps.search_id break if not job: displacement, mode, disp_type = self.generate_displacement() reactant = self.state.get_reactant() process_search = ProcessSearch(reactant, displacement, mode, disp_type, self.search_id, self.state.number) self.process_searches[self.search_id] = process_search self.wuid_to_search_id[self.wuid] = self.search_id job, job_type = process_search.get_job(self.state.number) sid = self.search_id self.search_id += 1 job['id'] = "%i_%i" % (self.state.number, self.wuid) job_entry = {'type':job_type, 'status':'running'} if sid not in self.job_info: self.job_info[sid] = {} self.job_info[sid][job['id']] = job_entry self.wuid += 1 self.save_wuid() jobs.append(job) if config.recycling_on and self.nrecycled > 0:"Recycled %i saddles" % self.nrecycled) try: self.comm.submit_jobs(jobs, invariants) t2 = time() "Created " + str(len(jobs)) + " searches") logger.debug( "Created " + str(num_to_make/(t2-t1)) + " searches per second") except: logger.exception("Failed to submit searches")
[docs] class ProcessSearch: def __init__ (self, reactant, displacement, mode, disp_type, search_id, state_number): self.reactant = reactant self.displacement = displacement self.mode = mode self.search_id = search_id self.displacement_type = disp_type self.state_number = state_number # valid statuses are 'not_started', 'running', 'complete', 'unneeded', and 'error' self.job_statuses = { 'saddle_search':'not_started', 'min1':'not_started', 'min2':'not_started' } unknown = "unknown_exit_code" self.job_termination_reasons = { 'saddle_search':[ "good", unknown, "no_convex", "high_energy", "max_concave_iterations", "max_iterations", unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, "potential_failed", "nonnegative_abort", "nonlocal abort"], 'minimization':[ "good", "max_iterations", "potential_failed", ]} self.finished_jobs = [] self.finished_saddle_name = None self.finished_min1_name = None self.finished_min2_name = None self.finished_reactant_name = None self.finished_product_name = None = { 'termination_reason':0, 'potential_energy_saddle':None, 'potential_energy_reactant':None, 'potential_energy_product':None, 'barrier_reactant_to_product':None, 'barrier_product_to_reactant':None, 'prefactor_reactant_to_product':config.process_search_default_prefactor, 'prefactor_product_to_reactant':config.process_search_default_prefactor, 'displacement_saddle_distance':0.0, 'force_calls_saddle':0, 'force_calls_minimization':0, 'force_calls_prefactors':0, }
[docs] def get_job(self, state_number): if state_number != self.state_number: return None, None if True in [ s == 'error' for s in list(self.job_statuses.values()) ]: return None, None if self.job_statuses['saddle_search'] == 'not_started': self.job_statuses['saddle_search'] = 'running' return self.start_search(), 'saddle_search' if self.job_statuses['min1'] == 'not_started' and \ self.job_statuses['saddle_search'] == 'complete': self.job_statuses['min1'] = 'running' return self.start_minimization('min1'), 'min1' if self.job_statuses['min2'] == 'not_started' and \ self.job_statuses['saddle_search'] == 'complete': self.job_statuses['min2'] = 'running' return self.start_minimization('min2'), 'min2' return None, None
[docs] def process_result(self, result): results_dat = io.parse_results(result['results.dat']) #XXX: can remove this line now result['results.dat'].seek(0) job_type = results_dat['job_type'] termination_code = results_dat['termination_reason'] self.save_result(result) self.finished_jobs.append(result['name']) if job_type == 'saddle_search':['termination_reason'] = termination_code"Search_id: %i saddle search complete" % self.search_id) if termination_code == 0: self.job_statuses[job_type] = 'complete' else: self.job_statuses[job_type] = 'error' self.finished_saddle_name = result['name'] self.finish_search(result) elif job_type == 'minimization': if self.job_statuses['min1'] == 'running': min_name = 'min1' min_number = 1 self.finished_min1_name = result['name'] else: min_name = 'min2' min_number = 2 self.finished_min2_name = result['name'] self.job_statuses[min_name] = 'complete'"Search_id: %i minimization %i complete" % (self.search_id, min_number)) if min_number == 2: self.finish_minimization(result) done = False not in [ s == 'complete' for s in list(self.job_statuses.values()) ] if not done: done = True in [ s == 'error' for s in list(self.job_statuses.values()) ] if done: return self.build_result()
[docs] def build_result(self): result = {} saddle_result = self.load_result(self.finished_saddle_name) if self.finished_reactant_name and self.finished_product_name: reactant_result = self.load_result(self.finished_reactant_name) result['reactant.con'] = reactant_result['min.con'] product_result = self.load_result(self.finished_product_name) result['product.con'] = product_result['min.con'] result['saddle.con'] = saddle_result['saddle.con'] result['mode.dat'] = saddle_result['mode.dat'] result['results'] = results_string = '\n'.join([ "%s %s" % (v,k) for k,v in list( ]) result['results'] = result['results.dat'] = io.StringIO(results_string) result['type'] = self.displacement_type result['search_id'] = self.search_id return result
[docs] def get_saddle(self): if self.finished_saddle_name: saddle_result = self.load_result(self.finished_saddle_name) saddle = io.loadcon(saddle_result['saddle.con']) else: saddle = None return saddle
[docs] def get_saddle_file(self): if self.finished_saddle_name: saddle_result = self.load_result(self.finished_saddle_name) saddle = saddle_result['saddle.con'] else: saddle = None return saddle
[docs] def start_minimization(self, which_min): job = {} saddle_path = os.path.join(config.path_incomplete, self.finished_saddle_name) mode_file = open(os.path.join(saddle_path, "mode.dat")) mode = io.load_mode(mode_file) mode_file.close() reactant_file = open(os.path.join(saddle_path, "saddle.con")) reactant = io.loadcon(reactant_file) reactant_file.close() if which_min == "min2": mode = -mode reactant.r += config.process_search_minimization_offset*mode reactIO = io.StringIO() io.savecon(reactIO, reactant) job['pos.con'] = reactIO ini_changes = [ ('Main', 'job', 'minimization') ] job['config.ini'] = io.modify_config(config.config_path, ini_changes) return job
[docs] def finish_minimization(self, result): result1 = self.load_result(self.finished_min1_name) result2 = result atoms1 = io.loadcon(result1['min.con']) atoms2 = io.loadcon(result2['min.con']) results_dat1 = io.parse_results(result1['results.dat']) results_dat2 = io.parse_results(result2['results.dat'])['force_calls_minimization'] += results_dat1['total_force_calls']['force_calls_minimization'] += results_dat2['total_force_calls'] is_reactant = lambda a: atoms.match(a, self.reactant, config.comp_eps_r, config.comp_neighbor_cutoff, False) tc1 = io.parse_results(result1['results.dat'])['termination_reason'] tc2 = io.parse_results(result2['results.dat'])['termination_reason'] termination_reason1 = self.job_termination_reasons['minimization'][tc1] termination_reason2 = self.job_termination_reasons['minimization'][tc2] if termination_reason1 == 'max_iterations' or termination_reason2 == 'max_iterations':['termination_reason'] = 9['potential_energy_saddle'] = 0.0['potential_energy_reactant'] = 0.0['potential_energy_product'] = 0.0['barrier_reactant_to_product'] = 0.0['barrier_product_to_reactant'] = 0.0 return # Check the connectivity of the process if (not is_reactant(atoms1) and not is_reactant(atoms2)) or \ (is_reactant(atoms1) and is_reactant(atoms2)): # Not connected['termination_reason'] = 6['potential_energy_saddle'] = 0.0['potential_energy_reactant'] = 0.0['potential_energy_product'] = 0.0['barrier_reactant_to_product'] = 0.0['barrier_product_to_reactant'] = 0.0 return elif is_reactant(atoms1): reactant_results_dat = results_dat1 product_results_dat = results_dat2 self.finished_reactant_name = self.finished_min1_name self.finished_product_name = self.finished_min2_name elif is_reactant(atoms2): reactant_results_dat = results_dat2 product_results_dat = results_dat1 self.finished_reactant_name = self.finished_min2_name self.finished_product_name = self.finished_min1_name['potential_energy_reactant'] = reactant_results_dat['potential_energy']['potential_energy_product'] = product_results_dat['potential_energy']['barrier_reactant_to_product'] =['potential_energy_saddle'] - \['potential_energy_reactant']['barrier_product_to_reactant'] =['potential_energy_saddle'] - \['potential_energy_product']
[docs] def save_result(self, result): dir_path = os.path.join(config.path_incomplete, result['name']) os.makedirs(dir_path) for k in result: if hasattr(result[k], 'getvalue'): fn = os.path.join(dir_path, k) f = open(fn, "w") f.write(result[k].getvalue()) f.close()
[docs] def load_result(self, result_name): dir_path = os.path.join(config.path_incomplete, result_name) result = {} for file in os.listdir(dir_path): file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, file) f = open(file_path) result[file] = io.StringIO( f.close() return result