Source code for eon.prstate

""" The PRState module. """

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('state')

from eon import fileio as io
from eon import state

[docs] class PRState(state.State): ID, PRODUCT, PRODUCT_ENERGY, TIME = list(range(4)) processtable_head_fmt = "%7s %9s %16s %12s\n" processtable_header = processtable_head_fmt % ("proc #", "product", "product energy", "time") processtable_line = "%7d %9d %16.5f %12.5e\n" search_result_header = "%8s %10s\n" % ("wuid", "result") search_result_header += "-" * len(search_result_header) + '\n' def __init__(self, statepath, statenumber, statelist, previous_state_num = -1, reactant_path = None): """ Creates a new state, with lazily loaded data. """ state.State.__init__(self,statepath, statenumber,statelist, previous_state_num, reactant_path)
[docs] def add_process(self, result): """ Adds a process to this state. """ state.State.add_process(self, result) resultdata = result["results"] # The information from the result.dat file # We may not already have the energy for this State. If not, it should be in the result data. if self.get_energy() is None: self.set_energy(resultdata["potential_energy_reactant"]) # Check if the reactant, and product are legit try: if 'reactant' not in result: io.loadcon(result['reactant.con']) if 'product' not in result: io.loadcon(result['product.con']) except: logger.exception("Reactant or product has incorrect format") return None # Update the search result table. #self.append_search_result(result, "good-%d" % self.get_num_procs()) # The id of this process is the number of processes. id = self.get_num_procs() # Keep track of the number of searches, Ns. #self.inc_proc_repeat_count(id) # Move the relevant files into the procdata directory. open(self.proc_reactant_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['reactant.con'].getvalue()) open(self.proc_product_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['product.con'].getvalue()) open(self.proc_results_path(id), 'w').writelines(result['results.dat'].getvalue()) # Append this barrier to the process table (in memory and on disk). self.append_process_table(id = id, product = -1, product_energy = resultdata["potential_energy_product"], time = resultdata["transition_time_s"]) # This was a unique process, so return the id. return id
[docs] def load_process_table(self): """ Load the process table. If the process table is not loaded, load it. If it is loaded, do nothing. """ if self.procs is None: f = open(self.proctable_path) lines = f.readlines() f.close() self.procs = {} for l in lines[1:]: l = l.strip().split() self.procs[int(l[self.ID])] = { "product": int (l[self.PRODUCT]), "product_energy": float(l[self.PRODUCT_ENERGY]), "time": float(l[self.TIME]), }
[docs] def save_process_table(self): """ If the processtable is present in memory, writes it to disk. """ if self.procs != None: f = open(self.proctable_path, 'w') f.write(self.processtable_header) for id in list(self.procs.keys()): proc = self.procs[id] f.write(self.processtable_line % (id, proc['product'], proc['product_energy'], proc['time'])) f.close()
[docs] def append_process_table(self, id, product, product_energy, time): """ Append to the process table. Append a single line to the process table file. If we have loaded the process table, also append it to the process table in memory. """ f = open(self.proctable_path, 'a') f.write(self.processtable_line % (id, product, product_energy, time)) f.close() if self.procs != None: self.procs[id] = { "product": product, "product_energy": product_energy, "time": time }
[docs] def get_time(self): return"MetaData", "accumulated_time", 0.0)
[docs] def inc_time(self, timeinc): time = self.get_time()"MetaData", "accumulated_time", time + timeinc)
[docs] def zero_time(self):"MetaData", "accumulated_time", "0.0")